We started as a group of women (and men) inspired by the January 20, 2017 Women's March. Many of us marched here locally or in Washington D.C.
Foremost though our group expressed the want and the need to affect change in our government both locally and nationally.
To that end we made a commitment to educate ourselves, hold bi-monthly meetings and continue to be involved and stay active in the current political climate. After meeting and discussing our shared values and concerns we came up with the following mission statement.
Get Involved!
There are many ways to get involved!
Come to a meeting, host a candidate for a meet and greet, write postcards,
march, contact your representatives, become informed, spread the word!​
Check our Facebook link for information about events from groups all across the Fox River Valley: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wecanleadchange
Contact Us: wecanleadchange2018@gmail.com
Register To Vote!
Registering to Vote is the single most important thing a person can do to make their voice heard.
Click the link below to register for the first time, or check your registration status!